Jane, (not her real name), had a flexible job. Her children were grown-up and had moved out of the house. So, when Jane’s father passed away, she thought it would be a good idea to have her mother live with her.
Initially, it all went of well. Of course, there were some minor differences and arguments. Her mother had a different way of doing things, while Jane was set in some of her ways. But they set some ground rules and it was smooth sailing for a year or two.
What Jane did not anticipate was that her mother was aging, and that old age comes with its own set of issues and problems. Gradually Jane found herself short of time. It seemed she was always attending to her mother. She no longer seemed to have time for her friends, time for the hobbies she loved, and her husband, though extremely considerate, said Jane was neglecting him.
One day, Jane was in the middle of an extremely important conference call with a client, when her mother had to urgently use the washroom and needed assistance right away. Although Jane was able to think quickly on her feet and somehow excuse herself, she realized this sort of situation could not go on forever.
Does Jane’s situation seem familiar to you?
After bit of diligent research, Jane found the best option would be for her to go in for home care services. Her mother could remain at home where she was comfortable and be given services there. Jane could get on with the things she needed to do and yet be around.
She could go out with her husband and catch up with her friends, no longer having to worry about leaving her mother alone. Moreover, the caregiver would run errands like cleaning her mother’s room, accompany her mother shopping, and cook specific dishes for her mother.
Also, when Jane was at work the caregiver would take care of tasks like assisting her mother with taking a bath, using the washroom, dressing up, and even helping her getting up from bed and moving up and down the stairs. Jane’s mother had someone to talk to as well when Jane was busy.
Jane’s solution may be just what you are looking for when caring for your loved ones.
There are several benefits of using in-home care services. Get in touch with us today for a confidential discussion. If your loved one seems to resist the idea of home care services here are some tips on how to respectfully suggest care for a loved one.